Jayne Fury


Still Life

His future is her next target. An astrobiologist wins the chance of a lifetime: terraforming a cold lifeless planet. But a sexy ninja freedom fighter is on a collision course with his dream as she works to save millions of lives and destroy his in the process.

In addition to Baby, It’s Cold in Space, Jayne Fury publishes the space opera serial Freedom Bound––Buck Rogers with a bit of boudoir. Jayne’s most recent release is the novella Fox Trap, a speculative urban fantasy story, the first in her Guardians of Ghael series.

Who is Jayne Fury? Draw back the curtain and reveal this slightly quirky author with a passion for ironing and ukuleles. But not together. That could get messy. She was born and raised in New England, now lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, cats, chickens and Star Trek garden gnomes in her lawn-free urban homestead.


Find more about her on her website at jaynefury.com and check out her books on AMAZON. Follow her on social media:

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